domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2023

Windows 11: restore My documents off One Drive

"Onedrive" took control of my personal folders. Even after removing the PC connection and uninstalling "One Drive". All of them could be changed by going to the "One Drive" folder in "My Documents" and right-clicking on Properties and choosing the Location tab. Use the "Restore default" option. But "My Documents" and "My Pictues" gave each other problems because an error appeared every time.

The only solution was to edit the Windows Registry and change these keys, basically delete "\OneDrive" and then move the respective files, if necessary.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Key for My Pictures:


OneDrive Path:


Changed to:


The Same for My Documents folder, this is the key for OneDrive:


OneDrive Path:


Changed to:


Restart computer so changes applied.

Just in case I reinstalled OneDrive in the future, I'll rename the OneDrives keys, adding a "-" before each special name:



martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023

Mac OsX start Real VNC Viewer in listening mode

 Real VNC Viewer doesn't have an option to start in listening mode.

To accomplish this, we need to start a Terminal window and use this command:

 /Applications/VNC\ -listen

No window or confirmation is shown.

Just use VNC Server's option "Attach to listening vnc viewer" and use the proper address on your Mac.

You may need to add an IP Forwarding rule on your router to allow communication from external port 5500 TCP to insternal port 5500 TCP, if you want this to work from Internet.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2023

Time Machine External Disk very slow on Mac OS Ventura (SSD External disk slow after Mac OS Update)

 Suddenly, my external SSD Time Machine becomes very slow after one Ventura Update. I tried everything. Default format: APS format, encrypted. 

I connected it and Finder took long time to read it, looks like hung for several minutes.

Had to use Finder, right-click on my backup drive name, choose "Decrypt"... this may take several hours/days. My 500GB SSD with 80% space occupied, tooks 3 days (connecting the disk 8 hours a day, I didn't want to keep it working overnight because it turns hot without. After that, Time Machine didn't accept my disk because "previous specified disk was encrypted, and current disk is not", so I removed from Time Machine and added again. Works very fast.

But I don't want a backup disk unencrypted so I use Finder, right-click on my backup disk and use the "Encrypt" option (this requires to specify a secure password, can't forget). Process begins and it looks almost 3 days (at eight hours a day) to encrypt. Finally, Time Machine again didn't accept my disk (because encrypted) so I removed from Time Machine, added again, and now, AT LAST, connecting my external SSD will not hangs Finder and backups now runs very faster. Also Finder is now responsive just after connecting disk.

MacBook Pro M1 now with Ventura 13.3.1

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023

Windows 11: unable to connect to SQL 2008 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SSL Security error

 Suddenly this error appears on ODBC connections to legacy SQL 2008 servers.

Apparently, latest updates on Windows 11 (some Windows 10 reported too), "breaks" connections to SQL 2008.


Update your Cipher Suite on Windows.

Since Windows 22H2, the default TLS Cipher Suites changed. 

The following were removed from the default:


So I updated the SSL Cipher Suites on Windows 11 x64 (more information about this:

The list I used was the one that was used for Windows prior to the 22H2 (22621.819) update (Please be advised that this response is to answer the question that was given and obviously does not follow best practice procedures. Microsoft disabled this encryption for a reason. If you are like me and have older servers that need to keep running while you come up with a long-term solution to discontinue them then the above solution will keep you operational.):



You may use this to create a .REG file, load it on Windows 11:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Restart Windows to apply changes.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

Facturador Electrónico SRI Gratuito de Comprobantes Electrónicos (Ecuador) para Mac no funciona adecuadamente

 MacBook Pro M1 con macOS Ventura 13.0.1

El Facturador Electrónico Gratuito de Comprobantes Electrónicos es un aplicativo en Java desarrollado por el SRI en Ecuador.

Hasta aquí ha funcionado normalmente.

Luego de instalar Visual Studio, no me percaté que la aplicación dejó de funcionar bien.

Al tratar de generar una factura, el botón de "Guardar sin firmar" no hacia nada, así como "Guardar, Firmar y Enviar". 

De igual forma al tratar de firmar un .xml que hice manualmente, tampoco podia acceder a la firma electrónica, como antes. 

Después, analizando el proceso del "ComprobantesDesktop.jar", me di cuenta que no estaba usando el JRE de Java sino un JDK de Microsoft:


Descargué el JDK de Oracle, asumiendo que eso resolvería el problema (por alguna incompatibilidad con el de Visual Studio). Al instalarlo, se configuró como el JDK default y la aplicación del SRI tuvo el mismo comportamiento que usando el JDK de Microsoft como default. 

En /usr/libexec está java_home que se debe ejecutar con ./java_home estando en ese directorio.

Al ejecutarlo, indicaba al JDK de Oracle como el default:


El JRE estaba dentro del contenedor JavaApplentPlugin.plugin en:

/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin

La única forma de hacer que la app funcione totalmente funcional es lanzar desde Terminal estando en la carpeta


Y lanzar este comando:

"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java" -jar ComprobantesDesktop.jar

Hice pruebas lanzando el java JRE apuntando al "/Applications/ComprobantesElectronicosOffline/ComprobantesDesktop.jar" pero la única funcionalidad que perdía era "Visualizar RIDE", que usa a su vez unas librerías internas para generar un PDF.

Para ahorrar tiempo lanzando el comando funcional, edité "" que se encuentra dentro de "/Applications/ComprobantesElectronicosOffline" y reemplacé el contenido por:

"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java" -jar ComprobantesDesktop.jar

Y agregar permisos de ejecución al creado con el comando: 

chmod u=rx